Protection Poker Tutorial Requirements


1.       Add role:  emergency responder.  Currently the only roles in iTrust are licensed health care professional, unlicensed health care professional (a.k.a secretarial support), administrator and patient.  The need for another role has arisen:  emergency responder (ER).  An emergency responder is defined as follows:   police, fire, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and other medically trained emergency responders who provide care while at, or in transport from, the site of an emergency.   The only capability provided to an ER is access to an emergency report for a patient which provides basic but important information such as:  allergies, blood type, recent short-term diagnoses, long term, chronic illness diagnoses, prescription history, and immunization history.  The patient is sent an email to notify them of the viewing of their records by an emergency responder.

2.       Find qualified licensed health care professional.  A patient has just been diagnosed with a condition and wants to find the licensed health care professionals (LHCPs) in the area who have handled that condition. The patient chooses 'My Diagnoses” and is presented with a listing of all their own diagnoses, sorted by diagnosis date (more recent first). The patient can select a diagnosis and will be presented with the LHCPs in the patient's living area (based upon the first three numbers of their zip code) who have handled this diagnosis in the last three years. The list is ranked by the quantity of patients the LHCP has treated for that diagnosis (each patient is only counted once regardless of the number of office visits). For each LHCP, the following information is displayed:

·         Name of LHCP linked to contact information for that LHCP

·         The quantity of unique patients treated by that LHCP for that diagnosis (each patient is only counted once regardless of the number of office visits)

·         List of all prescriptions given by that LHCP for that diagnosis

·         List of all laboratory procedures ordered by that LHCP for that diagnosis

·         The LCHP's average visit satisfaction

·         The LHCP's average treatment satisfaction

3.       Update diagnosis code table.  The American Medical Association has decided that beginning January 1, 2010 all diagnoses must be coded with ICD-10 rather than ICD-9CM.  These new codes need to be saved for eventual use by the iTrust application.

4.       View access log.  A patient can view a listing of the names of licensed health care professionals that viewed or edited their medical records and the date the viewing/editing occurred is displayed.